The Double Eagle Airplane is a "plans built" design powered by the widely available stock VW engine, that will carry 2 people with a useful load around 515 Lbs. It can be built and flown under the Light Sport Aircraft Category. This is a strong and simple airplane designed using traditional and proven aviation tubular steel technology. It is easy to build and there has developed around it a strong core of builders that offer help and support for building the aircraft. There is also a full kit developed by John Bolding in consultation with the designer that makes building this design even faster.
is the new website for the Double Eagle Airplane designed by Leonard Milholland.
Leonard built it as his 11th airplane project as an outgrowth of the need
to have a trainer for his very popular Legal
Eagle Ultralight. The Double Eagle started to form up in 2002 and was
first widely seen at the 2003 Oshkosh show. A repeat performance in 2004
broadened its popularity, and many kits started out the door.
"DE" is getting special treatment this year (2007) because of an invitation that Leonard Received from the EAA to display the Double Eagle this year at the Air Venture 2007 Air Show. It seems that EAA membership has been asking for an affordable Light Sport Aircraft and most others while fine airplanes tend to run upwards of $50,000. Since the Double Eagle can be certified in this category and costs under 10-12 thousand dollars (even paying retail, and getting some building help), it is very affordable the invite went out. The aircraft is sporting a new Culver prop and has many cosmetic improvements and tweaks this year in celebration of the event.
Because the Legal Eagle and the Better Half VW engine tend to dominate the website, I decided that this year the "DE" would get its own website and so was born. I hope that all the visitors to this site will give this airplane the look it deserves as it is easy to fly and using auto gas is easy to prep and fuel for those that just want a quick flight around the patch, but has enough useful load that 14 gallons of fuel (10 under LSA), a portable radio and GPS can take you lots of places as well. The airplane is so light it is also easy to trailer (the wings remove simply) and having STOL characteristics can be flown from many flat areas that would barely support the moniker airport. In some ways it represents a fun return to the barnstorming days where you get to wear goggles and scarf, but in an airplane so strong that it is half the weight of most of its predecessors from that era.
Graeme Gibson, Webmaster - July 15, 2007
Some Recent Press about Air Venture 2007 by Dan Johnson
Preview Photographs of the
Double Eagle Airplane
Þ See Us At EAA Air Venture In Oshkosh, WI — The Week of July 23, 2007 Ü
We will be in the Light Sport Aircraft area of Aeroshell Square
Weight……………….385 pounds (dry) Height……………………..6’8”
Wing Span…………...28’3’ Gross Weight……………...900 pounds
Wing Cord…………...55 inches Useful Load……………….515 pounds
Wing Area……………127 sq. ft. Wing Stress Load…………4 G’s
Fuselage……………...18 feet Engine 1835 cc……………60 Hp (approx)
Power is supplied by the reliable V.W 4
Cylinder Engine ● Uses less expensive Auto Gas
The Double Eagle™ was originally designed as an experimental trainer for the single seat Legal Eagle™ a 244 lbs legal ultralight that can also be seen on the field. The Double Eagle is now reclassified in the Light Sport Aircraft category and represents on of the most affordable and easiest to build 2 place LSA aircraft today. The prototype has been built for under $5,000.00 and we believe that most builders can duplicate the effort between 5K and 7K. In fact were you to pay retail for everything, and get help building it you could probably still come in under $12,500.00 so when we say affordable flying we mean it!
For Plans, Videos, DVD’s & Propeller Hubs contact the designer: L.
E. Milholland
Post Office Box 747,
Brookshire, TX 77423 ● Tel 281-375-5453 ● Cell 281-785-3777
email: Leonard @
Please Click Here to Order DVD's and Plans for The Legal Eagle - Please Click Here to Order DVD's and Plans for The Legal Eagle XL
Please Click Here to Order DVD's and Plans for The Double Eagle - Please Click Here to Order DVD's and Plans for The Cabin Eagle
For Kits & Materials Packages and Welded Fuselages contact: John Bolding
Baytown, TX ● Tel 281-383-0113 ●
email: jnbolding1 @
Complete Design Plans $80.00
● Videos and DVD’s $25 each
Special Package price: Plans and All Five
Videos or DVD’s — $200.00
Max Fuel = 14 (10 LSA) gallons
● Industrial Bike Wheels (optional)
STOL: Take Off distance = 300
ft. Landing distance = 400 ft.
Skilled Pilots have take off
in 194’ no wind, light load.
Climb Performance: Excellent,
performs like a Cub with no bad habits.
Stall Speed 35 Mph ● Cruise
70 Mph ● Economy Cruise 55 Mph
Carburetor: Zenith ●
Alternator: Kubota ● Prop: Culver
Oshkosh AeroShell Square Feature Airplane 2007
This airplane is easy to build, ALL the skills
you need to build this airplane can be learned within 300 yards of where you
are standing Right Now…
John Bolding quote for the flyer
on learning that Aeroshell Square would host the Double Eagle at the 2007 Oshkosh
Air Venture Show
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 , 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 2009 2010, 2011, 2016 all rights reserved, photos by Leonard Milholland and Graeme Gibson. Some content provided Builders and used with permission. No Warranties for fitness or merchantability are expressed or implied. Plans and information made available as-is and all decisions as to use are up to the final purchaser only.
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