Double Eagle Airplane Details and Specifications
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The Double Eagle Aircraft is a welded fuselage made of aircraft tubing and represents one of the strongest and lightest 2 place airframes on the market today. Designed by L.E. Milholland as his 11th project, the design was originally created as a "super" legal eagle for a heavy friend of Leonard's. When this friend died before the project was finished, Leonard converted it into an Ultralight Trainer for pilots wanting instruction on flying the Legal Eagle. When the FAA changed the rules creating the LSA category this design was certified as a LSA homebuilt design. Individuals who apply themselves can build this airplane in 7-12 months, faster if they secure the materials kits available from John Bolding. Cost for the design is between $7 and $15 thousand dollars depending on your scrounging ability, and the use of parts kits. However, the prototype was built for much less. Leonard did not forget the needs of the bigger and heavy pilots and is now working with John on the creation of the Legal Eagle XL, with a longer wing and wider seat area. This design is planned for 2008. Please no inquires yet as no documentation exists at this time.
Weight .385 pounds (dry)
Height ........... ..68
Wing Span ................. ...283
Gross Weight .. ...900 pounds
Wing Cord .......... ...55 inches
Useful Load .. .515 pounds
Wing Area ........ 127 sq. ft.
Wing Stress Load........ 4 Gs
Fuselage .......... . . ...18 feet
Engine 1835 cc ... 60 Hp (approx).
Power is supplied by the reliable V.W 4 Cylinder Engine. These engines are widely available and a conversion kit is produced by Scott Kastler 520-723-5203 and also by Great Plains Aircraft Supply 800-922-6507. Both Sources have engines and parts. Welded Fuselages and airplane parts are available from John Bolding. Neither John or Leonard sell complete kits due to liability issues and as builders must still meet the 51% rule, but a great deal of help is available for parties wanting to do fast build projects. There is also an active builders community and email distribution list. Leonard sells a shrink fit prop hub for these engines that is on the website.
Editors Note: Absolute specifications are based on the plans and minor variations may be involved. This information should be used as a guide only and is not warranted for any other use public or private. Leonard Milholland as the designer reserves to himself final interpretation of any and all specifications for the aircraft outside of those submitted to the FAA and included in the plans. Since each builder may make variations in the plans and also possess varying skills in the manufacture of the aircraft the final determination of airworthyness is up to the builder and the inspection process involved for certification. No other warrantee is expressed or implied and the designers absolute, complete and total liability for any disputes it the prompt refund of the amounts actually paid for plans and video materials.
The Names Legal Eagle and Double Eagle as referencing airplanes are Trade Marks and or Service Marks or L. E. Milholland, LLC. We request that reviewers, builders, and agents please respect these marks and only use the names with the marks as shone.
Reviewers and members of the press may use limited "fair use" of the materials on the website so long as credit is given as to source. Great care has been applied to provide alternate tags as to photo and material credit and re request that this information be included in any reuse of the material.
Added to the World wide web 10/21/2007 © 2007 by Graeme E. B. Gibson and or L. E. Milholland, LLC.